I am so happy to share with you her contribution to green living with budget-friendly, home-made products for green cleaning.
* Laminate Floor Cleaner #1
Mix equal parts: vinegar , rubbing alcohol and water
No rinsing required!
* Laminate Floor Cleaner #2
Use empty 20 oz. floor cleaner bottle
2 tablespoons ammonia
1/2 cup rubbing alcohol
1/2 tablespoon dish soap
Water to fill bottle
* Carpet Cleaner
Mix 6 capfuls of Hydrogen Peroxide in 1 gallon of water
Blot, don’t scrub
* Homemade Soft Scrub
Mix 1 cup shampoo or dish soap with ½ cup baking soda
* Mirror and Chrome Cleaner
Use empty spray bottle
Rubbing alcohol
* Shower Curtain Cleaner
Soak in strong salt solution,
hang to dry
Or: scrub with 1 cup vinegar and two capfuls shampoo
Or: run through with load of white clothes in the washer
Hang to dry
* Hard water Stain Remover
Let denture tablet soak overnight
* Mystery Stain Remover [not for granite]
Capful of automatic dishwasher soap
1 teaspoon baking soda
* Clothing Stain Remover
1 cup clear or white dish soap
Mix in 1 teaspoon salt, any kind
Let sit for 15 minutes or more
Wash and dry as usual
* Shower Soap Scum Remover #1
Use spray bottle
Mix 1 cup vinegar
2 tablespoons baking soda
* Shower Soap Scum Remover #2
Spray with inexpensive oven cleaner
Ventilate room
Let sit for 30 minutes or one hour
* Odor Removers for spraying surfaces:
Mix equal parts vinegar and water
[acid in the vinegar destroys odor-causing mildew]
* For containers or rooms:
Place small dishes of
baking soda
coffee grounds
rolled up newspapers
cotton swabs dipped in vanilla
* Other uses for Baking Soda
Apply to damp sponge and clean
- In the kitchen
Cutting boards
Microwave ovens
- In the Bathroom
Tubs and showers
Tile floors and walls
- Household deodorizing - Sprinkle right from the box
Litter boxes
Garbage pails
Diaper pails
Disposals and drains
Dishwasher between loads
- Laundry Freshening
Add 1/2 cup along with usual laundry soap for fresher clothes
- Personal care
Refreshing bath or foot
soak: add 1/2 cup to warm water to soothe and condition
dry skin
- Baby care
Apply to damp sponge, clean and rinse
High chair
Car seat
Changing table
Bath tubs
Play seats
* Other uses for vinegar
- Cleaning coffee pot
Run through cycle using vinegar instead of water
Rinse with cycle of water
- Cleaning germs:
Door handles

This is great, Cheryl. I am going to print it off. My husband and I are totally into GREEN, esp. when it comes to our home. He is very sensitive to chemicals, so these recipes will help. Thank you! Hugs.
Green is good
green is clean
Green's the way to go for real.
Corny? I just made it up.
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